Privacy and Cookies
Tech Geek Fact receives the standard set of analytics compiled by Squarespace, on which this website is built.
Exception: The Squarespace activity log — which would list visitors by date and time, IP address and page — is turned off.
The analytics used by Tech Geek Fact, all from Squarespace:
- Traffic overview: number of page views, visits and unique visitors. Also, number of visitors by type of device (desktop and mobile), by source (direct, and sites such as Google and Facebook), by browser and by operating system.
- Traffic sources: number of visitors arriving directly, and from referral, search websites and social media. Also, number of visitors by type of device: mobile, tablet, desktop and unknown.
- Popular content: number of views by page.
- Geography: number of visits by nation.
- Google search keywords: number of visitors by keyword. Also, for each keyword: numbers of clicks and impressions, and click rate and average position.
- Other search keywords: information — as listed in the previous paragraph — about keywords from search websites other than Google.
- Site-search queries: keywords and number of searches using the Tech Geek Fact search bar.
- RSS subscribers: number of subscribers by day.
Standard Squarespace cookies are used for:
- The analytics listed above.
- Navigation, website security and general site operations.
Otherwise, Tech Geek Fact collects no data from its visitors.